Wednesday, November 16, 2011

“Invited!” (John 2:1-2)

S-1257 7SOE/3A 06/09/11, (O) #; (S) #159; (C) #457

Text: Genesis 2:18-24; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; John 2:1-11

Theme: “Invited!” (John 2:1-2)

Wedding for Amy Barrick and Darren Schumacher


Well you have made it. The day has finally arrived and you are here. You must be nervous and excited all at the same time. I am happy for you and pray that the Lord will bless you in your married life.

For my meditation today, I have chosen the first two verses from the Gospel reading: Listen again to the words of John Please: “On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus also was invited to the wedding with His disciples” (John 2:1-2).

Amy and Darren, I am holding in my hand (show the invitation) an invitation that you sent my wife and me. On the invitation you have printed these words: “The Honor of your presence is requested at the Marriage of Amy Christina Barrick and Darren Dean Schumacher on Saturday, the 11th of June, @ 5 in the afternoon @ Redeemer Lutheran Church. I showed up because I was invited and so did the people.

I am certain that it took you both along with your parents some time to come up with the list of who you wanted to invite to this special celebration. You looked the list over many times to make sure that you got all of your family, friends, and special people in your lives. And all of these people sitting in the pews (please turn around and look) have come because they have been invited, and want to help you share in your in your life together as husband and wife.

It is good to see many of those invited have answered the call—and came. They came because they care for you. They came because they are happy for you. They came because they want to help you make this day the happiest in your life and support you as you begin this life together.

But I would like to challenge you to make one other invitation. You might think well there is no time to get the invitation out. We have invited all of the people we wanted to! Who would send an invitation after the fact of being married? You two and only you two will make that possible.

Who is to be added to your list? None-other-than, the One who was invited to the wedding at Cana of Galilee—Jesus the Christ. Notice, again please that John tells us that Jesus also was invited to the wedding with His disciples” Jesus was asked to be part of this special unknown couple’s celebration festivities. It was important for this couple to have Jesus with them and in their lives.

As you begin this new chapter called marriage, I pray that the Holy Spirit helps you extend the same invitation to the Lord Jesus Christ. For it is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that you two can make this become a reality. I also want you to remember that Jesus is the most honored guest who will ever come to your marriage and married life. More important than anyone who is here today—including your parents, pastor and all of these people.

Why do you want to invite Jesus to be part of this marriage? Why do you want Him to be included in your married life? You want Jesus in your marriage because it is a holy institution. You need His forgiveness and love to make your married life work. You want Jesus to be in your marriage because it is only possible to be sustained in joy by His holy power. This is the way that God Himself cares for you in this endeavor.

Through these words from John we learn that the Savior cares for the needs of marriage. What He did at the wedding at Cana is a reflection of what God does in all marriages. Indeed the Lord who instituted this special bond between a man and woman could not and wouldn’t permit the wedding party to be embarrassed, so He used this opportunity to provide quick­ly and in a miraculous way, so as to reveal His glory. Our Lord always acts in this way.

Millions of couples enter into the state of matrimony with empty hands, with nothing to show for it, but in due time, their daily needs are met. By this we see the true evidence that God alone can supply the needs for each household and that is proof that He Himself honors marriage as His institution of love and companionship.

Just as Jesus was at the wedding of Cana, and by His presence blessed the couple with what they needed, so, too, today, this same Jesus will care for you, provide for you and bless you in all your ways.

In a Christian bookstore I saw a sign that read: “Christ is the Head of this Home, the unseen Guest at every Meal, and the Silent listener to every conversation.” If you want to have a happy married life, if you want to be blessed in more ways than you can imagine, if you want to honor the Lord with the life you have, then by all means may He be that Head to which both of you will bow and worship. May He be the unseen Guest and the listener to every conversation?

Why? Because, He will care for you and provide for you all of the things you need to have a happy and blessed married life. Just remember what you have been taught through Scripture is the absolute truth. That this honored Guest—Jesus is the One who indeed cares for you and He proved it when He went to the cross. On the cross His care was evident to all. He died for you. He rose for you. He forgave you your sins and reconciled you to God.

Because of His care for you, He, even now, remains faithful in caring for ALL of your needs. He meets your needs as you gather in His house around His Word and Sacrament. In this place you will learn how to forgive each other. In this place you will be enrolled in the school of the Holy Spirit that grants you wisdom, fortitude and blessing to care and love each other but more importantly your Lord and Savior—Jesus.

Of Christ’s presence at your wedding you need not fear. He has invited Himself. He doesn’t force Himself upon you, but because of His enormous love for you, He comes. He comes with His blessing and provision. He freely offers Himself to you for the forgiveness of sins. He freely and daily offers you with wisdom and peace which passes all understanding. In the name of the Guest at Cana’s wedding and your wedding, extend the arm of love to each other. Extend the oil of gladness to each other. Extend the perfume of forgiveness to one another and cherish each other from this day forth and forever more.

Amy and Darren, soon you will leave this church and head to the reception hall. There as the guests arrive, they will come bringing gifts. I would like to be the first to give you a gift—something I made just for you.

Please notice the design. There are two different crosses representing your two lives joined together. The one that is flat is bigger to show you Darren as the one who will love her, protect her and spoil her. The other is smaller indicating the weaker vessel. What makes this cross special is the 3 strand wire that is holding everything together—indicating that Christ will hold you in His loving arms and bless you continually.

Please accept this cross of love and place it in your home so that daily you see it and remember that Jesus who died on the cross and rose from the grave is the honored Guest in your house, and in your hearts; and because He lives with you, you are able to live with Him and one another in peace and joy. Amen.

Now the peace…


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